Could You be a Trail Runner?

Trail running sounds full-on, doesn’t it? Here at Beyond Trails, we want to dispel the myths and show you that moving from road to trails really isn’t as daunting as you might think - yes, really.

Wondering whether you could make the leap from tarmac to the great outdoors? Our short answer is ‘yes’. Keep reading and discover why hitting the trails could be the next challenge to tick off your list. I’m not the world’s best runner…

And you really don’t need to be. One of the biggest myths about trail events - particularly the longer or ‘ultra’ routes - is that you have to run the whole thing. In fact, the vast majority of Beyond Trails entrants smash their challenge with a mixture of walking and running. Some of our participants decide to walk the whole way - it’s the perfect way to soak up the surroundings. If you want our advice, aim to run with flats and downhill stretches and walk the uphills. You’ve totally got this!

Daunting distances

Every Beyond Trails event offers two different courses: a 25km and a 55km route. Clearly, they’re impressive distances - but if you’re a half marathon finisher (and lots of Beyond Trails entrants are), then you’ve already got a 21km event under your belt. 25km is just four km further, which you can definitely manage.

Just like any other race or event, you’ll need a training plan. Four additional kilometres is a great level of challenge - adding to your distance, but not too much. In fact, the really big difference is in terrain, not mileage.

Get off the beaten track

It’s fairly likely that if you’ve done a half marathon, you’ve taken part in a road race like the Great North Run or the Great Manchester Run. Beyond Trails events, however, are all-terrain courses, taking in rural roads, tracks and hills alongside a city centre start and finish.

Tackling different terrain can be tough. You’ll need to have your wits about you and focus along the way. As with any running event, we advise sticking to a training plan, studying your route in advance and making sure you have a map, a fully-charged mobile phone and some cash. That way, if you take a wrong turn you won’t be lost for long!

But trail running comes with so many rewards and benefits, including jaw-dropping views and a sense of calm. That’s right: calm. At a Beyond Trails event, you’ll discover the complete and utter joy of running for solo stretches. It’s a total shift in mindset, and one that our entrants can’t stop talking about. Enjoy some time and space to focus and to reconnect with your body - something that’s increasingly precious in a manic modern world.

What if I get lost?

Beyond Trails routes are marked and marshalled. If you’re new to trails though - or a little nervous - you can stick with a friend or a group as you make your way round. Plus, we suggest taking your time, especially for your first ultra event.

Remember, it’s about the process, not the destination - and enjoying the journey.

Ready for your next adventure? Check out Beyond Trails events here.